Fear can be a powerful motivator, giving you the strength to do things you never thought were possible. However, it can also have a crippling affect, leaving you incapable of performing the tasks necessary to achieve the success you deserve. You can overcome fear to achieve the success you seek, but it takes willingness and desire on your part to be able to reach past the fear and take action. Here are five ways you can start the process of overcoming fear to achieve the success you deserve:
1. Knowing what it takes to succeed
It's not enough to have a picture of the final destination in mind. You need to write down clear goals, break those goals down into manageable steps, and then move forward one step at a time. It's hard to be fearful of a single day's to-do list, but as you build achievement upon achievement one day at a time, you will achieve success.
2. Set realistic expectations
You might want to be able to pay off all your debt, quit your job, and make a million dollars within six months, but if you want to overcome fear, you need to start by having realistic goals in the first place. What is it that you truly want? Is waking up every morning and going to work at a dead-end job draining your spirit? Focus first on making a goal to replace the income from your job with enough income from your entrepreneurial activities so that you can escape the cubicle, then work on increasing your earnings to achieve your million-dollar goal.
3. Surround yourself with successful people
Associating with people who believe in your ability to succeed is one of the surest ways of overcoming fear to achieve success. If you are constantly surrounded by people who try to kill your dreams and want you to conform, you will lose faith in yourself and become fearful. By choosing to be around people who have achieved what you want to achieve, you can begin to believe in your own ability, vanquishing fear. You will achieve success.

Making changes takes time, and overcoming fear to achieve success is a continual process that requires you to keep pushing forward, reminding yourself of the small successes along the way, and being forgiving to yourself when the outcome is not exactly what you desired.
5. Believe in yourself
Hi Nancy,
ReplyDeleteNo5 "Belief/self belief" is often the biggest handbrake. To move forward, overcome 'fear', the belief that we can has to be strong.
be good to yourself